Most of Justin's e-mail was either in response to things I had said or answering my questions so I have included clarifications in parenthesis. He told Jamie when he e-mailed her that he was just really tired that day and he was having a hard time thinking of things to write. I understand because the week goes so quickly that I am often scratching my head figuring out what to e-mail him too!
Dear family and friends,
Nice that is super exciting!! I should get them in like two weeks because we have the Beira district conference on the 25th and 26th and then on the 28th we have another zone conference! Thats super exciting! Thank you so so much! (
We got a package ready to send over to him with a man from Andy's sister's ward who is going over to audit for the church) Before I forget, whenever you send the next package something I want is wash cloths. I use my wash cloth that I brought from home as a sweat wiper. But it is getting insanely gross. Like I wash it every week but it is now black.. and it used to be white haha. We always look for wash cloths here too but all of the ones I have bought dont actually pick up water, they just wipe water around. Nothing here absorbs!!! So I would love if you sent wash cloths in the next package haha.
(So I'm curious. When you scare the people with your chameleon friends are they pretty good natured about your teasing? The other question I thought of today as I was listening to AJ Anderson speak (he got home on Wednesday!) was if you have had many opportunities to give Priesthood blessings while you have been there.) No the adults love it when we scare the kids. And the kids love it when we scare the adults. They are very good about making fun of us but the also take it pretty well. They just think we are crazy that we arenºt scared of chameleons haha. Ya I have actually been very surprised at how much I have been able to give priesthood blessings. I have given 3 this transfer alone. Antonio, the man I just baptized got malaria last week right after the confirmation and so we gave him a blessing. They are very willing and faithful that the priesthood will work.
(My primary class is going to be fun. I really enjoy our class time, but it is a little harder during sharing time / singing time. They have a hard time staying in their seats and paying attention. Once I get it figured out how to help them sit still there we are going to do just fine. BUT, I still miss my nursery kids.
And I miss being in the nursery with Sister Gann. I really enjoyed getting to know her better while we were in the nursery together.) Hahah speaking of primary. You are lucky they even stay in the room! Here, we only have like one teacher that has to try and deal with a ton of kids. like probably around 50 kids. The kids are always just running outside, in the halls, and just going crazy. And they do not like it when we step in. When we come in and have to get on the kids and make them go to class and get on them, the kids dont like it haha. I dont like having to be serious with the kids but it happens almost every sunday. But theyºll learn. They are also new in the church too.
(Did you find any new people to teach this week?) Ya, we gained a couple new families, we also had to drop a couple but all is well.
(Did your power come back on?) The power is a battle every single day. We always make jokes about how we dont know how they havenºt figured out how to make energy work. Like, I can remember few times in my life when the energy was out at home. Here, it goes out almost every single day. Some days its not out super long, some days its out all night. But we have no idea how they havent figured it out yet haha. Luckily we could still take bucket showers when the energy is out. It just makes sleeping pretty rough.
(So you said Elder Galland's family is coming to pick him up. When does his mission end?) Ya his family is planning on it. I am surprised at how many parents do come. But he is about to his year mark. He will end in february of 2015.
(Have you had a chance to get to know President and Sister Kretly very well being so far away from the mission home?) Ummm.. I have only had one interview with pres and it was like 5 minutes long haha. So no, I dont know them super well. The ones down south probably know him a little bit better but to get to know him you really have to be an office elder or the assistant. So maybe one day I will but its not a big deal to me. When you come I am sure you will get to meet them also! Well there isnºt any real big stories to report on here from this last week! I hope all is going well at home. I love you all so much and I am anxious to get the pictures!!
(Tracy sent me pictures of posters they hung at the high school for Ray Bieber's 60th birthday and I forwarded them on to Justin) The pictures of biebers thing are hilarious. I love the one that shows how at one point I was wearing those jeans. I still have those jeans with me but they dont even come close to fitting me any more and the elders in my house dont believe I ever fit into them. But thats my goal is to get back to how I was. I am going to start eating healthier and working out so I can get back to the body I had before haha. Well I love you lots and lots!!!!!!
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