Monday, November 18, 2013

November 18, 2013

 This week Justin's e-mail time was cut a bit short because they were going to get back to Manga and work since on Wednesday they won't be able to go out at all. No family e-mail, but I will share his e-mail to me. If others forward theirs then I will add them as well. He is happy and well which is what we enjoy hearing!
Hello mom!
 No worries we are here safe and sound :) There was a bit of unrest in Munhava on saturday so we were sent to our houses at about 4:00. The parties were getting out of hand and started doing some stuff... But we are all safe and sound. Wednesday when we can't leave the house we are having our big meal! It will be super fun!! So now you get to find out how little we know about the world. We hadn't heard one thing about the phillipines. We really don't know about anything that goes on except for whats in mozambique haha. You can definitely love these families! We got some of our families to talk to you guys on our cameras so in two years you will be able to hear their voices and how they talk and I will translate for you! I even got some of them talking in their dialect haha. Oh man... Some missionaries families actually come and pick them up here in mozambique so they can go visit a couple of the places they served like Elder Gallands family will too. I so wish you guys could come here and meet these people and see how they live. That is truly my dream! I always think about how amazing it would be if you picked me up so you could live just a few days here in amazing mozambique and just see how amazing these people are. Our families always talk about how they want to meet you guys haha. Yes we have taught silvia more and they went super well but something funny... So her being portuguese and living in an extremely nice house, we never talked about it till yesterday but we have both been so scared about teaching her. We are little sissy's when it comes to nice houses. We get so comfortable teaching our nice little humble families in the little houses that we are scared of big houses and white people. I realized how scared I will be when I come home cause I sure love my black people! Haha. I was thinking about how next week I will hit my 5 month mark already and how fast time is going. I will absolutely miss this people so extremely much. Thats why its my dream for you to come here and meet the people who changed my life. The place where I became who I am now! Things are going well here though. I can't believe how fast time is going and that in one month I'll be at my 6 month mark talking with you guys! I love you so much and I can't wait for that! But I love this people so much too so you'll have to wait another year and a half ;)
Love you!!!!
Love, Justin
the Titos and Ana family
Elder Lynn with Babbito and Pequenino
Babbito and Pequenino
Elder Lynn with Babbito
And again..... :-)
Elder Lynn and Elder Galland wearing
matching capalana ties that they had made
Playing tic tac toe on his dirty pants
Playing around........
Carrying Elder Ensaldo in a capalana
A fierce lion!

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