Monday, August 18, 2014

August 18, 2014

So first of all, I will say that I won't be able to send a very long email, and this week will probably only be to mom... I will explain why during the letter haha.
So it sounds like everyone had á really great week! That is really awesome! I also already emailed todd and have talked with him a øíttle bit about all that! Super crazy!! Also i translated for án elder at zone conference that already lived with todd! so we talked about how we both know him haha.
As for our week. The training went really well and ya..It went well! No problems! But also on Wednesday, our energy in the house went out... we thought ít would come back soon, but unfortunately untill today it hasn't come back. SO no worries darcee! I am right there with you with no running water or anything haha. We have to do our daily planning by candlelight and our phone died a couple óf the days... we had to charge ít in our ínvestigators houses...embarrassing. The people always say they will come fix ít, but not yet haha. Unfortuntately all óf our food went bad... so i ate banana instant porridge all last week hahahahahaha... its actually not too bad. Luckily i have been sleeping just fine, and we can still take bucket showers every once and á while, just eating ánd having clean clothes is a little more difficult. But also the normal internet place ís out of energy also so we are at á random one that ísn't that good ánd we have to get home soon to see íf the energy people will come. so it will be short today.

Our week was á week óf learning. It was a pretty rough week, as in no one was home to teach and all of óur lessons were falling and just lots óf things were going wrong...but we truly learned a lot... I know í will e better ecause of this last week ánd i am excited to work even harder this week! Normally the last week of the transfer I get á littly ansy to see what ís going to happen but i am finally getting to the point where ít dosn't matter anymore ánd I am just gonna keep working like normal. We have some families who áre progressing well ánd we áre really gonna focus really hard on helping them, while álso getting some new families prepared for later months. So i ám looking forward to this week a lot! Sorry for the shortness of the letter ánd what not. The computer ísn't very good ánd we are in a hurrry today. Pics to come next week!


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